LAS is a music program developed with max/msp/jitter for live performance.
into the frequency domain, in order to freely shape the sound; all the spectral informations
are then retrieved and refreshed to get a pitch/beat detection for triggeringan analog synth. LAS approaches 'eco_autogenerative_organic' music... in such a way as to preserve
and make use of the original energy of the sound material as well as the emotionof a musical experience which happens only once (with regard to computer music).
All the live sessions made with LAS are powered by Renewable Energy coming froma mobile photovoltaic power system.
For any kind of collaboration:
I make mobile audio recordings everywhere, in and outdoor, with a mobile Photovoltaic
(2)M55K, (1)M7, (1)STW7, (1)M8 - [2]Lomo 19a19 - [2]Lomo UM 51 - [1]Lomo MD-300-iy2
- [1]Sony C48 - [1]Sennheiser MDS 1 - [1]Sony ECM88B - [1]Sony PCM D100 -› For moreinformations about the audio recording service or other sound applications –––-›
please contact me:
doubleM is a duo composed of Matteo Salvemini and Miyuki Hayakawa, these songs
...back to vinyl after a long time...